What FED Clients Think


She is the best designer I have come across. I will not use any other for my publishing company. Efficient, fast, and creatively brilliant. You couldn't find a better designer.

Kenneth Joel Teicher
Kenneth Joel Teicher

I am a self-published author. I’ve been using Farah to design my covers for several years. Sometimes I have very specific ideas in mind for a cover and provide information and pictures for Farah to incorporate. Other times, I am at a complete loss for exactly what a book cover should look like. I provide some relevant information to Farah and she always dreams up something that exceeds my expectations. I have always been thoroughly happy with and will continue to use Farah for my covers.

Sydney Katt
Sydney Katt

If you're in need of a cover artist for your own books (or a cool FB page header like mine), I *strongly* suggest Farah Evers Designs. Prices are fair, turnaround times are more than reasonable, she's responsive to email and she's super fun to work with. I was originally worried that there would be a big communication lag because she's in a country that's 7 hours ahead of me and I'm not organized enough to ask questions in the mornings, but it was like she was in Texas with me.

You can also get web design and hosting from her at Evers Hosting. Again, prices are totally affordable - especially considering the quality and stability of the web design. She just finished two websites for me and both look AMAZING. (Okay, the publisher site *will* look amazing once I add content and take it out of maintenance mode, but trust me, it's professional and it rocks.)

And as far as the process to transfer hosts...negligible downtime, nearly effortless. Absolute best hosting prices I've found - and I might sort of kind of have a lot of domains that need to be hosted. They're now all on a faster, more stable and secure server than they were before and I'm paying a small fraction of what I was paying with my old unreliable host.

Award-winning designs (literally) for the most reasonable prices you'll probably find unless you happen to have a professional cover artist in your family willing to trade covers for baked goods.

Derek Odom
Derek Odom

Farah has done not one but all my story covers for me so far – more will come. On all occasions, I sent her the story file and had a cover back the very next day. As far as pricing, she’s got the best deals on the ‘net, hands down, for the high quality work she puts out. I’m 100% satisfied, and that’s only because 110% really isn’t an option.

Opher Ganel
Opher Ganel

I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the time and money on setting up a website for my 2 year old business, since I was doing well without one and I knew professional web design is not inexpensive. However, I saw some of Farah's work online and decided to check just how much it would cost to have her design for me a logo, a business card and a website. To my surprise (not to say shock) the cost for all that was less than I expected to pay just for the logo and business card design. Needless to say I was sold.

We worked through several iterations of logo design and Farah proved over and over that she was talented, professional, responsive and passionate about her craft. When we were done, I sent the logo to my sister for her feedback. My sister had been an independent graphic designer for several decades so I knew she'd give me a professional opinion. My sister said of Farah's design "the color palette choice is superb, the entire design sends out a great vibe of 'clean, modern, high-tech, advanced, not in the least ordinary'. It looks awesome, perfect." So, it's not just my assessment that Farah did an amazing job, it's been approved by a pro who has my best interest close to her heart!

With the logo and business card done, we started working on the site itself. Farah was again the consummate professional, responsive, courteous, friendly and above all, a gifted and creative designer. She was always happy to change things where I wanted a different look, often providing invaluable advice on design choices, and coming up with a "killer" banner and site design that anyone I show it to says looks amazing. Some adjectives I've heard in feedback from friends and colleagues include "inviting", "approachable", "clean", "professional looking", etc.

In short, not only would I recommend Farah to anyone who wants an outstanding website, banner, logo, or what have you, I have in fact been making those recommendations to anyone who'd listen.

Jennifer Malone Wright
Jennifer Malone Wright

Farah Evers has done many types of graphic design for me including book covers, banners, buttons, logos for my review site, and designed my whole business website. She is amazing! I found her services through the Accentuate Writers Forum and now, I wouldn't think of having anyone else touch my websites. So I guess you could say that I am a satisfied customer. I will most certainly be having Farah do more for me in the future. And, as far as graphics go she is affordable and timely, very quick.

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5/5 based on 29 reviews